Versace Menswear Trends

MyOwnJudge Versace Fashion Show Menswear
The Versace menswear runway was ripe with green lights for trends in menswear that were once considered strictly for females.The pastel suit above isn't really new, but the tailoring and monochromatic styling is definitely current. The neutral tone accents work perfectly with the outfit and would compliment any skin tone (the yellow is also ideal to bring out a tan!).
MyOwnJudge Versace Fashion Show Menswear
Enter the high-waist pant. I smell trouble for this, considering that there is different packaging on the guys vs. the gals. Thoughts?
MyOwnJudge Versace Fashion Show Menswear
Last but not least, my favorite bright color pairing! The vibrant pink and orange duo has been famous for years now, and doesn't look too shabby on a fella (although this is way brighter than on a female, when taking into account the fact that sleeves and full length pants hold lots more fabric than a minidress).


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