Babor Cosmetics Lipstick

MyOwnJudgeFollowing my Babor Csometics makeover, I was excited to try out the products for myself. First in line was a proper stick of lipstick.

You know me - a fan of packaging. The gold packaging for both the box and the lipstick make the product purchase utterly special. The allure of golden packaging for products across the spectrum is just the Midas effect I suppose. Who doesn't want to own something golden?

The color I tested was #13 - Rouge Noir. It looks like a super dark vampy red out of the packaging.
The color varies depending on how many times you swipe it across the skin. It has a bit of a blotchy finish once you start getting a little happy with the application. But no one is guilty of that, right? (I won't tell!)
After two swipes, the lipstick is completely not as dark as the lipstick seems at first sight. It comes off like sheer vampy burgundy and applies very softly without staining the skin in case of errors. The only gripe was how the coloring stuck to every imperfection of the lips. That is the curse of darker lipsticks (and the super light ones as well) - they will forever point out all flaws. Being that it is getting colder and I have a terrible knack for chewing on the dry spots one finds on their lips, I wasn't happy with how it looked. The combination of flaws and the color made it look a bit like scabs - not cute. The remedy? I went to my fix all and used a Victoria's Secret Beauty Rush lip gloss with shimmer to top off the color and hide imperfections.

So much better! The lip gloss adds dimension with the shimmer and helps deflect from looking at the flaws. It adds great personality to the lipstick.

The win-all for this lipstick is definitely the even and creamy application. It feels as smooth as chapstick just running over your lips. It had no drag that an extra thick lipstick can sometimes have. It's a little bit rich in the $25 price tag, but if you think about it, so many nondrugstore brands are around that price, that it's nothing new.

I am unsure whether all lipsticks are as sheer in application as this one, but if so, this would be super awesome. It verges on a combination of lipstick, lip gloss, and lip butter products. A general application that can be used whenever - depending on what color you choose of course.

Have you tried Babor Cosmetics yet?

Disclaimer: This product was sent to the author for review by the manufacturer/PR. All reviews on MOJ remain unbiased and unpaid. For more info, feel free to contact the author.


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