Playing With Napoleon

MOJ NP SetI received a video in my inbox a while back about Napoleon Perdis with an overall brand mashup. It showed him working on lucky models, introduced him, and showcased many of his products. Try as hard as I did, I could not upload the video here. Chalk that up to me still being a rookie with Blogger. I can give you the link to the video on YouTube though... and you can click on it and check it out here!

I captured a couple of the screen shots because one of the models got me itchin' to recreate the look. I ended up struggling way too much to create a tutorial, but to make up for my troubles (no pun intended), I followed up with a pretty long photo shoot with me and myself. I even made my hair act like the 80's were back.

Just so you know: Napoleon Perdis has two makeup lines. The namesake higher end and the partnership with Target called NP Set. I have a couple of the NP Sets and that's precisely (New Orleans) what I used to recreate the look. Since they are found at Tarjay, I reached into my stash and used the Jemma Kidd lipstick that I purchased for review (remember it here?) and used it to have an all Tarjay look. Check it out after the jump!


I used the NP Set New Orleans eyeshadow trio to recreate this look right hurr:



I tried and I tried and I don't know if I succeeded, but I do know that I found out an orange/brown look can be pretty snazzy if mixed with white.


The model in the inspiration picture doesn't have her eyes rimmed with black liner, but I felt like it was necessary. What do you think? Would you change it?


Felt like the hair was too flat in the first two pictures so I started to mess around and foof up my hair. Yes y'all. I call this foofing. I also did that model look (I like to call it that) where you stare at nothing and kind of pout and kind of not lol.


Couldn't take myself seriously for long...


The look transforms into something else entirely when you swap in a neutral-ish lipstick for a red. I used NYX in Elektra. Oh and that face? I'm not disgusted... I was trying to make an amused look... I'm not a model, I'm a blogger! :)


It gave me the urge to break out my crazy headband and polka dots. Foofed some more and goofed around with the camera.

How are you liking it? Check out the video?


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