Talk It Out - Shopper Identification

So this is it y'all. September has hit and so starts the countdown to that special day. What day? My birthday!! As the 23rd fast approaches, so do my bills.

See there's this phenomenon that occurs around this time every year recently. September hits, and I hit the stores. No matter the resolve, the goals, nothing. Yaya hits up the plastic dreams (and future nightmares lol). I start to buy a thing here and there as my "birthday essentials" and as the purchases get bigger, they become "gifts for myself" ... then it becomes "well if no one else gets this for me..."

Right... Well yesterday - as August waved it's last goodbye and the autumn breeze threw a teaser into the streets of New York, Yaya hit up the stores. I noticed one thing. I have a haphazard shopping pattern in a store.

I walk from front to back and collect everything I like in my size and maybe a size smaller or bigger depending on how questionable the fabric is. Then I get to the fitting room. Most often almost 90% of the items I try on don't work. As I walk to the register with my feeble shopping cart, I unearth a million and five items I missed but love. This time around, I don't want to venture back to the fitting room, and once I buy it, I might not even come back in time to return it. I'm trapped.

Now y'all are all shoppers - at one point or another. I'm guilty of falling into this trap even with groceries. Are you just as guilty? Talk to me all about it! :)


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